**IT'S FINE TO MAKE COMPROMISES ON CLOTHING (dare i say, even HEALTHY for a growing fashion brain)!**
not every piece of clothing you find will be exactly what you're picturing finding in your head... AND THAT'S A-OK :-)
i've found this has actually helped me be much more receptive to different fabrics, textures and patterns!
something that helps you gain further appreciation for fashion as a whole is always a good thing in my book ^_^
so be brave and don't be afraid to try something small outside your comfort zone!~
q: is the store located in an area with more of an elderly population?
a: you'll probably find lots of vintage clothes, or clothes with a more mature/modest look!
however, as many people don't often wear outdated styles, these clothes tend to sit for longer,
so the stock may be changed more infrequently.
q: is the store located in a busy metropolitan area?
a: you might find more in trend/modern styles! the downside however is that their
stock will be bought faster due to the high demand, so their stock is constantly changing.
other tips to keep in mind when searching for possible good stores:
- time of year: the seasons often determine what's in high or short supply!
- don't forget the Goodwill Bins: i will touch on these more later, but the Goodwill Bins are an amazing
place if you are looking for cute clothes yet short on cash! it is pay by the lb, but be ready to dig!
- affluent areas: if you are on the lookout for higher end or luxury goods, you might have luck searching
through thrift stores in wealthier locations around your town or city. you seriously wouldn't believe the stuff
that people donate sometimes!